
I've been watching anime for almost ten years now and decided to start this blog to express my thoughts on various anime, manga, and video games that I end up watching, reading, or playing. I used to blog anime way back when I was still in high school. However since I've kind of grown up, I don't really watch as much as I used to back in the day. I'm way more selective of what I watch. One reason I started this blog is I tell people the anime that I follow during a season, and they can't believe some of the crappy shows that I watch. I hope to use this blog as a means to show why I watch these shows, even though I have to admit, some of the ones I watch do suck sometimes (like 11eyes). I watch shows mainly for the characters or maybe a single character.  If there isn't a good character I like, I'll probably end up dumping it halfway and not watch it, even if the story is pretty good.

For this blog, what direction I end up taking my posts, depends on how sick I am of writing all these entries after I've done a bunch of them. So far I've been doing summaries then my thoughts. I don't know whether I want to take the, "So you don't have to," tagline in the header literally, which means I can't decide whether I should include summaries altogether.  I also don't know whether I should just blog animes that no one else is blogging about, because I'm sure there's going to be a million blog posts on something like Angel Beats, and almost next to none for something like the 3rd Season of Koihime Musou.  Blogging manga is pretty easy to do though, and I'll probably just continue doing summaries of the first chapter or first few chapters to get people interested in reading a series.

Something I'm also trying to work on by writing these entries is my creative wit and trying to explain something to someone in witty or funny way or examine situations in a more comedic angle.  Though I feel that I may end up writing a post that may analyze indepth a situation in an anime, such as questioning why the heck anime characters did this when they could have done this (11eyes makes me rage).

The other writer for this blog "King Sad" is someone I asked to write stuff because he involves himself with more of a variety anime, manga, and games than I do.

Anyway, for anyone who reads this blog, hope you enjoy.