Thursday, April 1, 2010

Shin Koihime Musou ~Otome Tairan~ Episode 1

Ok, so this will be the first anime I'll blog about since I'm just going to blog the new spring animes. Incidentally it's going to be on season 3 of Koihime Musou called Shin Koihime Musou ~Otome Tairan~; whatever Otome Tairan means, I have no idea. It's no secret that Koihime Musou is a show that I like despite me thinking that it's also a really bad series. I watch this show for the characters, and not so much the plot. The one character I watch this show for is the girl who goes by the name Shuri or Koumei. Don't ask me why each character in this series has two different names. Koumei's a little girl that's a pretty much a child genius, but has no fighting power, unlike the rest of the characters in the cast. She is a strategic genius and usually is the one who ends up getting the characters out of a bind. Oh, and she's a loli. The reason why I think this series is really bad is because it's an anime of all filler episodes of nonsensical plot.

This is Koumei. She's a loli, so I love her.

So let's get started.

The first scene starts off with the general of region being accused of treason as she exits some stronghold by this clearly evil looking dude. Of course, the punishment for treason in this country is to shove a some weird object down her throat.

Hi, I'm Evil.

Force feeding ladies isn't nice.

This is then followed by Koumei writing a letter to her old teacher talking more or less about what had happened in seasons 1 and 2. Ryuubi ends up getting a new sword that some villagers happened to find at the bottom of a river. She lost her old sword near the end of season 2 splitting open a giant boulder to save a village.

I'd take a sword from a Dragon God

Then bam, intro starts with all 500 billion characters of the series making an entrance.

Sousou and her yuri army

The Kingdom of Wu, who didn't appear in season 2 at all

Our main characters

Now the awesomeness of Koihime Musou begins. Ryuubi, Kanu, and Rinrin are hanging out under a tree. Rinrin says some remark about how Kanu's lap is soft and more relaxing to rest on compared to Ryuubi's lap. Now cut to Ryuubi talking to herself in her room about how fat she thinks she is. She thinks it's best to go on a diet all because of what Rinrin said.

Rinrin, always the source of trouble

Sitting around all day gets you fat

How much does she actually eat?

Of course that night they decide to have her favorite meal for dinner, so she ends up putting the diet off till the day after. Because of this, she ends up feeling fatter that night. Bacho comes in her room and Ryuubi is intent on feeling her stomach, they both fall to the floor and Koumei comes to the rescue.

I like how Koumei looks when she's rushing over there

Ryuubi hypothesizes that Bacho is thin because she exercises all the time. Ryuubi watches Bacho and her sister Tanpopo exercise and decides to join in. Bacho and Tanpopo do all these crazy exercises like doing sittings on a tree branch, rabbit jumping up a hill with wheels tied to their backs and of course Ryuubi can't keep up.

Ryuubi is pretty well developed

She died

After all that excercise, Ryuubi is hungry, and ends up eating a ton for lunch. During her bath she thinks she's getting even fatter. She just decides the best way to lose weight is to go cold turkey and ends up not showing up to dinner that night. Everyone misunderstands her not showing up to eat as her being pregnant because everyone saw that she's been conscious about her stomach all the time.

Rinrin thinks she's going to be a big sister, Koumei is confused

Ryuubi still gets hungry though, so she sneaks into the kitchen for some food. She finds Sei's old rotton bamboo shoot snacks and ends up getting food poisoning. The other characters find her writhing in pain. The anime writers decide that Ryuubi can't talk when she's writhing in pain, so all the other characters end up thinking she's pregnant and rush to prepare for a baby. They think she's pregnant with Bacho's child because of the scuffle Koumei saw the day before. If you watch the youtube vid I posted before, Koumei actually thought Bacho had a giant dong.

She can't talk for some reason

Rinrin runs out of town in search of a doctor and happens to run into Kada-san who happens to be traveling to meet Ryuubi and Co. He's also traveling with the general from the beginning of the episode. Kada performs some crazy acupuncture technique and Ryuubi is cured of her food poisoning. Sei, who had been absent from the middle of season 2 also just nonchalantly shows up.

Sei shows up out of nowhere

Everyone sits at the dinner table to have a discussion about how the general was accused of treason. She also shows that the pill she was fed slowly turns her into a cat, a creature she absolutely despises. Right now she has cat ears growing out of her head.

Crazy magic is no stranger to this anime series

Kada explains to our main characters that to reverse the cat transformation, they need to gather 3 ingredients located around the country. So our band of heroines split into 3 groups and go off to find those ingredients.

Off they go on a journey of filler episodes

Decent first episode. I thought the whole I'm fat thing was pretty dumb, but Ryuubi is a cute character so it passes. Once again it's all Rinrin's fault for causing it. I loved all the faces Koumei made the whole episode and dug the nonchalant entrance by Sei. The characters all split up and the two loli's are traveling together. Their personalities are completely opposite, Rinrin's stupid and Koumei's smart, so you'll definitely get an episode of drama because of that. I also hate Rinrin so Koumei's presence being there hopefully counters anything stupid she does. Next episode shows Houtou, the loli that showed up in season 2 is going to join the group.

More loli's!


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