Introduction: I'm playing through this visual novel at the moment (non-h version because that's the one that has an english patch, so I don't have to go look up every single kanji.) Almost every character in this VN is an idiot, minus the main character. Someone suggested that I play more VN's/eroge. I told him that I couldn't read Japanese that well, which is why I don't really bother playing them. The same day, someone showed me a little busters remix video on youtube, then told me that someone was also telling her that she play the game. I was curious because I didn't know she could read Japanese, and looked up if there was an english translation online. I found out that there was. I knew that I was watching Angel Beats! this season, and that I enjoyed Key's anime versions of Kanon, Air, and Clannad. I also played through the English translation of Planetarian, and I've , for some reason, been playing a lot of Eternal Fighter Zero lately. Little Busters is the game that I really haven't paid attention to, because I never really had access to it. The only thing I knew about the game was that my Guild in the mmo Mabinogi was named Ritobasu, which I actually found out not too long ago was named after Little Busters, even though I'd been in that guild for a really long time. The tagline for joining the guild was 'We are a baseball team," which I thought was some weird quirky thing that our guild leader made up. Well, since there's a (partial) english translation for it and I have a lot of free time, I decided I'll give it a go.